As of June 1, 2024, Vestige Digital Investigations is part of ArcherHall, a leading digital forensics, 
e-discovery, and cybersecurity service provider. The Vestige team that you know and trust will
continue to serve you at ArcherHall. Our expanded team, capabilities, and infrastructure will allow
us to serve you and your clients even better.

Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)

Mergers and Acquisitions

Law firms, Accounting firms, Businesses, and Third Party M&A Advisory firms specializing in Mergers & Acquisitions who are looking to merge with or purchase another company — look to Vestige for I.T. risk assessment to determine a company’s “cyber health”.

M&A professionals utilize Vestige to perform IT Assessments for the purpose of due diligence of I.T. systems — to determine their strengths, weaknesses and risks prior to the merger or acquisition of a company.  We assist by determining if the company has been hacked or breached and help to identify the level of risk the company has from an I.T. standpoint prior to ‘sealing the deal’.  It’s important to know when to negotiate a better price or walk away from a deal due to existing security issues, which could include compromised networks, data breaches, or poor compliance practices. Learn more about our Merger & Acquisition I.T. risk assessment below.

Performing I.T. Due Diligence Offers:

Measure Maturity of an Organization’s I.T. to:

    • Identify Critical Information Assets (Data)
    • Understand where those assets are located and how they’re controlled
    • Understand protection in-place
    • Understand Regulatory | Compliance Issues

Cybersecurity Health:

    • Assess Cybersecurity Risk utilizing the 22 Critical Controls
    • Understand “Shadow” I.T. & End-User Activity

Benefits Vestige Offers in M&A’s:

Vestige can address the following needs:

    • Need to understand what risks you’re walking into
    • Need for a relatively quick response
    • Need to control escalating acquisition costs

In short, Vestige offers:

    • Red flag identification
    • Assessment of the level of risk and how it’s being addressed
    • Overall assessment of management of IT

Article from Fortune: Yahoo’s Titanic Data Breach Highlights Risk to M&A

Article from Blakes: When Cyber Threatens Your Deal: 5 Tips Cybersecurity Tips That Could Save Your M&A Transaction

Contact Us today to discuss how Vestige can assist with M&A Consulting.