As of June 1, 2024, Vestige Digital Investigations is part of ArcherHall, a leading digital forensics, e-discovery, and cybersecurity service provider.
The Vestige team that you know and trust will continue to serve you at ArcherHall. Our expanded team, capabilities, and infrastructure will allow us to serve you and your clients even better.

eDiscovery & ESI Consulting

Vestige eDiscovery & ESI Consulting Services

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Valuable eDiscovery Services

Electronic Discovery (eDiscovery) refers to any process in which electronic data is sought, located, secured, and searched with the intent of using it as evidence in a civil or criminal legal case. At Vestige Digital Investigations we offer eDiscovery, also called Electronically Stored Information (ESI), Consulting Services.

Too often cases involving digital evidence/ESI hinge not upon the substantive nature of the matter at-hand, but how well the ESI is managed to curtail out-of-control costs, lost data, claims of spoliation, sidebar litigation surrounding the effectiveness of one party’s search and production and countless other issues surrounding the eDiscovery.

Wouldn’t it be Great if you Could Just KNOW that Everything is Being Handled?

Finding the Critical Information

Sooner or later almost every business is faced with producing electronic evidence to comply with court mandates or regulatory requests. Vestige’s professional ESI consulting team analyze terabytes of data in each case — to uncover the most relevant evidence. Our ESI discovery services, which include data analytics, data visualization, deduplication, keyword searching, predictive coding and hosting on our SOC-2 certified review platform, follow the Sedona Conference standards to ensure quality in areas such as document tracking and exceptional reporting, making the eDiscovery process and decisions transparent and defensible in court.

If you understand the value of leveraging the use of technology over manual review and have at least 600,000 documents, Vestige eDiscovery is for you!

Trusted Staff

Vestige’s technical Electronic Discovery staff includes ESI consulting experts, analysts and administrators who can handle any technical challenge that might arise. Our team addresses very complex eDiscovery issues, from the preparation of forensic and eDiscovery protocols to matters involving sophisticated search and retrieval methodologies, Rule 26(f) requirements, Special Master/Neutral Experts, and more.

Contact us to learn more about all our eDiscovery services.

Our eDiscovery Benefits:

The Vestige Difference

Our process is what sets us apart:

  • Speed – Speedy access to critical information, earlier in the process
  • Control – Improves attorney control to identify, preserve, analyze, produce & review ESI
  • Insulation – Insulates client’s IT, business processes and confidential data from adversarial discovery process
  • Cost – Decreased total overall cost of preparing and responding to managing ESI as evidence

Vestige eDiscovery Services

See Vestige’s specific eDiscovery and ESI consulting solutions in the boxes below:

A quote icon
The records and evidence uncovered by your organization proved to be the decisive factor in the litigation, and gave our organization tremendous leverage in the settlement process.
Christopher S. Miller Chief Executive Officer, Conrad Kacsik Instrument Systems Inc, Solon, OH