2018 Information Security Summit – ISS

Be a part of the largest, most impactful week-long gathering of I.T. professionals in the Midwest!
ISS is a registered 501(c)6 non-profit, volunteer-led organization. In partnership with various security, compliance, and privacy-related organizations, ISS provides quality, cost-effective training, conferencing and networking events; promotes education and awareness to our community of professionals and students; facilitates Career Connection events, and promotes non-profit professional IT groups and organizations with their training and conferencing efforts.
The SUMMIT features national speakers and local experts on the best practices in information security and data protection as well as fun activities like hackathons, Xceptional networking events, and competitions. The last two days of The SUMMIT are dedicated to product-specific or industry-wide training programs and thought leader keynote addresses.
Look for Vestige
Vestige Digital Investigations is speaking on TWO DAYS:
- Tuesday, October 23 – LEGAL DAY
Damon Hacker, President & CEO, Vestige Digital Investigations
Steven Roesing, Preseident & CEO, ASMGi
Mark Storts, Direct Asset Protection Manager, Lbrands – Victoria’s Secret
Stephen Jett, Attorney, Ulmer & Berne, LLP | MODERATOR
- Friday, October 26 – INDUSTRY DAY
Damon Hacker, President & CEO, Vestige Digital Investigations
Info & Registration
EVENT AGENDA: https://www.informationsecuritysummit.org/cms/resources/media/2018/10/SUMMIT-Agenda-2018.v8.pdf
REGISTRATION: https://www.informationsecuritysummit.org/events/summit-2018/