2019 AuditCon
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront, 700 Aliceanna St, Baltimore, MD 21202

AuditCon, A Higher Education Summit, will take place September 15-19, 2019 in stunning Baltimore, MD.
Hundreds of higher education internal auditors will convene for this inaugural event. We hope to see you there!
Damon Hacker, MBA, CCE, CISA, CSXF, President & CEO is presenting:
Conducting an Incident Response from a Forensics Standpoint
on Tuesday, Sept. 17 from 4:20-5:20 PM
This presentation will look at the methodologies and techniques for conducing an incident response from the perspective of a forensic examiner. It look at some foundational items such as why an IR examination is conducted, the kinds of evidence that are helpful, and legal and practical implications from a forensic standpoint. We explore the necessity of preserving evidence, tools & techniques for analyzing and interpreting the data and how to bring it all together into a process.
After this session, participants will be able to:
- Understand how Forensic Examiners approach Evidence specific to cybersecurity incidents
- Learn practical steps and tools that you can use to conduct a response
- Gain exposure to Tips, Tricks & Traps when conducting an Incident Response
In addition, Vestige is Exhibiting at AuditCon — Look for us in the Exhibit Hall at Booth # 211.
Info & Registration
For complete detailed information about the 2019 AuditCon visit: https://acua.org/Training-Networking/AuditCon