Center for Cybersecurity & Privacy Protection
2017 Conference
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, 1801 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44115

Vestige is an official SPONSOR of The Center for Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection’s 2nd annual Conference.
It is being held Thursday & Friday, April 27 & 28, 2017 and is hosted by Cleveland State University at the CSU Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.
It brings together experienced government officials, in-house counsel, business executives, cyber insurance leaders, litigators, information security officers and privacy managers to discuss current developments and best practices in cybersecurity and privacy protection. The conference is aimed at identifying innovative strategies that integrate legal, managerial and technical approaches to managing cyber and privacy risks.
Look for Vestige’s own Damon Hacker who is presenting on the Incident Response Panel on Friday, April 28 at 9am. Vestige’s exhibit will also be on display at the event!
Join us to connect and engage with leading experts who will address cyber and privacy risk-management strategies, regulatory compliance, civil litigation following high-profile data breaches, law enforcement cooperation and information-sharing models, incident-response and cyber-risk insurance.
April 27 & 28, 2017 | Cleveland-Marshall College of Law | 1801 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44115
Vestige is an event: SPONSOR • PANELIST • EXHIBITOR