As of June 1, 2024, Vestige Digital Investigations is part of ArcherHall, a leading digital forensics, e-discovery, and cybersecurity service provider.
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CMMC Remediation

CMMC Step 2: Remediation

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The second step in the CMMC process is Remediation.

“You’ve got gaps!  So now what?…”

Even the most prepared organizations are likely to have some things that need to be addressed.  And if you’re one of those companies that has many (dare we say all?) practices that need addressed, then Vestige can be there for you.

We can be as involved as you need.

  • Looking for just some guidance to make sure you’re not going off the rails as you approach your remediation? – Vestige has you covered
  • Want to leverage 20+ years of cybersecurity and compliance expertise? – We’ve got that handled
  • Lacking resources and expertise on your side and just need someone to come in and solve this problem for you? – Vestige has your back on that!

Our Remediation process

  • Vestige takes the roadmap from your Pre-Certification Assessment and helps your organization implement those cybersecurity controls.
  • With our expert advice, we help your IT put the controls in place with all the supporting requirements for turnkey execution, so there will be no issues when a third-party assessor (C3PAO) is certifying you.
  • We have multiple approaches, depending on your organization’s specific needs.
  • We have a proven methodology that logically and systematically allows you to achieve the overall goal of CMMC.
  • Avoid re-work and the risk of overlapping solutions.


  • Platinum – Complete Management & Implementation by Vestige.  Great for those organizations that simply don’t have the resources, the time or the expertise.
  • Silver – think: guided, mentored and coached.  This is a great solution for those organizations that have your own resources (internal or external) and want to make sure that you’re not veering from the requirements.  Vestige still manages the project through our proven methodology, but unlike the Platinum offer where Vestige does the heavy-lifting, that is left for you and your team.  You still get all the great advantages of working with Vestige, at a lower effort and out-of-pocket investment.
  • Gold – “Shared implementation”.  You take on the items you’re comfortable with and leave the rest in our hands.  What could be more custom than that?

Contact the CMMC Compliance Experts at Vestige for Remediation Services today.


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