As of June 1, 2024, Vestige Digital Investigations is part of ArcherHall, a leading digital forensics, 
e-discovery, and cybersecurity service provider. The Vestige team that you know and trust will
continue to serve you at ArcherHall. Our expanded team, capabilities, and infrastructure will allow
us to serve you and your clients even better.

Mobile Device – Specialized Services

Additional Services for Mobile Devices

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Vestige offers several specialized services in regard to cell phones and other mobile devices.
These include:

  • Mobile Device Location Forensics and E-911 Services
  • GPS – Global Positioning System Information from the Device
  • CDR – Call Detail Records
  • Spyware Checks
  • Application Artifact Recovery

Time is of the Essence!

Regardless of the type of Mobile Device Service you may need, time is of the essence! Whether the data is located with the Carrier or on a mobile device, if you wait too long, the data may no longer be available. Carriers only keep data for a limited period of time before purging it from their systems, so if the data is not requested soon enough, it may not be available at all. The same goes for cell phones, as these devices were not meant to keep an unlimited amount of information on them due to hardware limitations. Bringing Vestige in early on, even if it’s just for a quick consultation, is very beneficial as we’ll alert you to the important pieces of digital evidence in your matter, so you can make sure to preserve them before they’re gone forever. Sometimes simply preserving the data up front, even if you don’t know you’ll need the analysis done in the end, keeps the costs low and saves you the headache of losing precious data that could help your case.

Mobile Device Location Service

Mobile Device Location, or localization, utilizes carrier records to pinpoint an area in which a cell phone was located during a given period of time. This is utilized by Law Enforcement in a variety of criminal matters, and at times, can be used improperly causing false information to be presented about an individual’s whereabouts.

Vestige cannot only review information produced by Law Enforcement to ensure the accuracy of their work, but also perform the work itself with mapping out where a particular mobile device was during a given period of time (if provided Carrier Records). Time is of the essence though, as these carrier records are only available for a limited amount of time.

GPS – Global Positioning System Services

Most mobile devices available today have GPS capabilities, which means location data could very well reside on the device. The data available is dependent on the device, application, and how they’re used, although there may also be location information available via accounts the individual is utilizing as well.

Vestige has worked countless cases to determine a mobile device’s location during a given period of time, and has done so utilizing our vast knowledge of mobile devices, application/accounts, and how and what is stored and available for analysis.

CDR – Call Detail Records

Call Detail Records contain information pertaining to phone calls, text messages, and data usage. Depending on the situation, these records can be utilized to help a client verify if a message was sent/received by an individual. Also, depending on the method used to send a message, the information might not appear on the Call Detail Records.

Utilizing Vestige’s Expert Services, we can help you understand the differences in messages, what will and will not appear in the Call Detail Records, and help you navigate the waters to better help serve your client.

Cell Phone Spyware Checks

Vestige is equipped to perform Cell Phone Spyware Checks to determine if surveillance software is installed on a mobile device. Typically when spyware is installed it does a good job of obfuscating its presence; as such, deeper artifact analysis is required. Vestige forensic analysts are adept at identifying, documenting and removing installed spyware.

Application Artifact Recovery

Apps that are installed on a mobile device can take many forms and provide a wide range of actions — many of which happen behind the scenes. Our analysts are experts at testing and reverse engineering these applications to determine how they work, what artifacts are left behind and how those artifacts can be used to move your investigation forward.

Get Started with Vestige Today

Contact Us to learn how Vestige can partner with your organization for Expert Mobile Device Forensics and the above Specialized Services when in search of digital evidence, Reporting, and/or Testimony